Your Future
If someone is not able to afford bail, they must wait in jail until their trial, which could take months, or even years. Waiting in prison takes a toll on people, and often this leads to an easy guilty plea bargain with the District Attorney's office. Since a person has been roughed up in jail and cannot bear to continue staying in jail, they will often plead guilty to get out of jail to return to their life. In turn, this gives them a criminal record which will affect the jobs they can get and housing. Not to mention, that if a person has been waiting in jail for more than a week, it's very likely that they have lost their job and potentially their housing.
Your Family
Bail takes away supporters within the family, whether it be a teenager or adult, taking away either messes up the family dynamic, and even more importantly can take away money from the family. Mothers and fathers who are in jail, can lose parental rights after around year and a half in jail. It isolates people from their family and removes them from being a part of a potentially very supportive environment.
Your Community
A community is made up of many people, but if someone who is a productive member of their community is locked up in prison because they cannot afford bail, it can have terrible impacts on their community. People who are making a positive difference in their communities are no risk to society, but losing a productive member poses a huge risk to the community.